Monday 20 July 2009

A Question Of Megapixels

I was asked an interesting question this week by someone who wanted to know how many megapixels they should be looking for when they purchase a new digital camera. Unfortunately, like many things, there isn’t really a straight-forward answer – it all depends on what you are going to be doing with your images.

The basic rule is that the more megapixels the larger your printed images can be. For example a 2mp (megapixel) camera will be sufficient for 6x4 inch prints but most of us will be looking for more from our digital camera.

You will be able to produce good A4 sized prints with a 3mp camera but for larger prints you will need at least 4mp. A low cost, low resolution camera will probably not be adequate if you are an interest in photography and displaying your images so I would recommend a digital camera with at least 4 megapixels.

(Andrew Crozier is a Hull Portrait Photographer)

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