My first stop with with Lisa, her bridesmaids and her family out near Snaith, Selby. We had a great time photographing Lisa's final preparations and her Dad and I ended up tying her into her dress as Mum' fingers were not quite working as she wanted them to - I'm always happy to help and have assisted with many types of wedding dresses now!
After photographing the bride's preps, it was onto Beverley Minster to shoot the arrival of the boys and all of the anticipation before Lisa arrived. For those of you who are from the area and who have visited the Minster, you will be aware of how amazing this structure is. Whenever I see it, I instantly think to myself 'They don't make em like that anymore!" A truly amazing piece of human achievement that totally takes your breath away inside and out. As this was the first time I had photographed inside, I felt like a kid in a candy store.
Following a fabulous ceremony, we took the whole wedding party shot on the steps of the Minster before heading off to the reception at West Carlton. This country lodge was built in the 1720s and the owner Caroline had done an amazing job of getting it ready to receive the bride and groom. Being Lisa's aunty, Caroline wasn't under any pressure to deliver!
The marquee looked fantastic and a jazz saxophonist was playing to greet guests as they arrived for Pimms on the lawn. We did the rest of the group shots in the beautiful gardens before a lovely wedding breakfast was served. Speeches followed dinner and then it was time for me to take Tom and Lisa on their 'Penny Drop Session' Our photos looked great as West Carlton's gardens adjoin a gorgeously lit corn field.
The bride and groom danced their first dance to a great band and I left them with a packed dancefloor at 9pm. Tom and Lisa are honeymooning in Kenya and I'm really looking forward to sharing their wedding story with them when they get back.
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