As a Yorkshire Wedding Photographer, training is a big part of my commitment to being the best I can be for my clients. Keeping up with technique and trends allows me to push my style and offer my clients the best presentation for their wedding stories.
I try and take at least 3 or 4 seminars a year to keep up with this commitment and when I saw that Scott Kelby was coming to Europe, I knew it was a great opportunity to take a break and also to get some great training.
The wedding season can be very gruelling - this year is no exception and is in fact, the busiest I have ever had so I've welcomed the opportunity to take 4 days off and fly to Germany for some respite and education.
Scott Kelby is well known for being THE 'Photoshop Guru', a great photographer and well accomplished educator. He is right on the cutting edge of modern re-touching techniques and the latest presentation methods. The seminar I'm attending is called 'Light it, Shoot it' Retouch it' and is a full day whirlwind of photography and retouching training. It's all about dramatic lighting techniques and professional retouching using Adobe Photoshop and I'm hoping that what I learn today will immediately have an impact on the work I am doing for couples this year.
Germany is super cool - the beer is fab, the food is awesome and the people are very friendly/helpful. I've been shooting lots since I arrived on Monday and although I brought my professional camera with me, I have hardly touched it' instead favouring my iPhone and using it as a 'visual notepad' - a very interesting and quite liberating way to record the world.
So signing off from Cologne, will be back in the UK Thursday evening and straight back to weddings and commercial shoots Friday and right through the weekend.
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